A Screen & Film School Brighton Graduate Film
“A Blurred Mind” follows an elderly man, George, who is stuck in hospital and on a quest to get out, however this quest brings him on a journey of reconnection he does not expect. While George is in hospital being tended to by nurses and visited by his son, he attends a birthday party and becomes friendly with a young boy who is also in hospital.
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Website: www.zoecoco.com
Instagram: ZoeCocoMedia
LinkedIn: Zoë FitzPatrick -
A Community Fighting
This short film marks the 20 year campaign sparked by the news that a Belgian waste company, Indaver had arrived armed with plans to build a large hazardous waste incinerator at the end of a then undeveloped cul-de-sac in Ringaskiddy, the industrial heartland of Cork.
As news percolated around Cork Harbour, concern and opposition, evident from the outset, consolidated, galvanised and continued to go from strength to strength over the course of the years that saw a community stuck in a battle that they didn’t invite.
The campaign, at the time of publication, is still ongoing and can be followed online at www.chasecorkharbour.com -
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